日期: 23/05/2022
時 間:上午9:00至12:00;下午2:00至4:00
地 點 : 一樓禮堂
(一) 報名手續:
1) 帶備教育局小一註冊證
2) 帶備學生出生證明文件正及副本
3) 監護人的身份證及副本
4) 相片一張回郵信封一個 (貼上2元郵票及寫上學生姓名及地址)
5) 家長或監護人親身到校辦理申請手續
6) 家長若未能在指定日期及時間內辦理入學註冊手續,請致電本校校務處,以便另作安排,否則將被視作放棄已獲派的學位。
(二) 防疫措施:
1) 家長毋需攜同子女到校辦理註冊手續。
2) 所有進入校園人士必須配戴口罩、量度體溫、消毒雙手,並符合政府疫苗通行證的規定。
3) 保持適當的社交距離。
如有任何疑問,歡迎致電本校校務處2178 5700,聯絡趙秀華主任。
Pok Oi Hospital Chan Kwok Wai Primary School
Registration Procedures for Primary One Admission
Registration Date: 7th June 2022 (Tuesday) & 9th June 2022 (Thursday)
Time : 9:00 am - 12:00 noon and 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Venue : School Hall, 1/F
(A) Registration Procedure:
1) Bring along the Primary One Registration Form.
2) Bring the birth certificate of the student (Original & Photocopy).
3) Bring the identity card of the guardian of the student (Original & Photocopy).
4) A passport photo and a stamped ($2.00) self-addressed envelope (with student’s name and address)
5) Parents or guardian must complete the registering for the student in person.
(Parents can provide a letter of authorization and a copy of their identity card to a trustee to register for their child if parents cannot register in person for the student,)
6) Please inform the school office for further arrangements if parents cannot register a student on the above dates. Please note that failure to register with the school within the specified
period would lead to forfeiture of the place offered to them.
(B) Anti-epidemic Arrangements:
According to the instruction of the Education Bureau, parents must please pay attention to the following:
1) Parents are not required to bring the student to register for the allocation.
2) Parents must wear a facial mask when coming to school for the registration and comply with the “Vaccine Pass” requirements, relevant epidemic prevention measures and maintain social distance.
For enquiry, please contact Ms Amy Chiu via the school office at 2178 5700.